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Life Lessons Hub
Videos to enhance your well-being during the
COVID-19 home quarantine
Lesson 1: Dealing With Disappointment
Learn ways to work through and cope with the disappointment created by the COVID 19 home quarantine
Lesson 2: Creating A Daily Schedule
Learn the benefits of keeping structure and routines in your day by creating a daily home schedule
Lesson 3: Developing Patience
Learn how to reduce stress by practicing ways to wait that develop patience
Lesson 4: Overcoming Boredom
Learn how making an activities list and a boredom buster bag can decrease the times you say, I’m bored, there’s nothing to do!”
Lesson 5: Playing Games
Learn strategies to cope with the disappointment of losing a game and how the entire family can play fairly by sometimes bending the rules for younger family members
Lesson 6: What We Have Learned
A review of the first five Life Lessons with added information
Lesson 7: Coping with Change
Learn how thinking about changes differently can help you to better cope with them
Lesson 8: When Things Don’t Go as Planned
Learn strategies on how to bounce back from mistakes
Lesson 9: Being Kind Online
Learn ways to create a welcoming, kind and safe online experience with your classmates
Lesson 10: Share the Positive
Learn ways to focus on the positive and share your gratitude with others
Building Resiliency to Respond to Life’s Everyday Challenges and Disappointments

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