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Preparing for the first day | Getting along

Navigating the hallways | Making friends

Paying attention in class | Staying organized

Participating in PE class |Teasing, Bullying and Meanness

Lunchtime in the cafeteria | Flirting | Homework

Children who are not prepared to face the daily challenges of middle school can quickly become overwhelmed.

This program will help prepare children who are entering a mainstream middle school as well as assist children who already attend middle school, but are having a difficult time adjusting. The video works best when viewed by an entire class. It offers helpful advice for all and stimulates discussions that touch upon the many unwritten rules and routines of middle school.


Students in middle school want and need to become more independent.  To do this they must learn how to read and understand more complex social situations, regulate their emotions and solve more of their problems on their own. When a student can successfully solve their own problem they feel a sense of pride, and independence.

This video gives tips and advice on how students can handle the many new and complex situations that commonly arise.  It helps them to create strategies they can use to improve their organizational, academic, and social skills.

Action sheets, filled out by the students, are used to help them implement strategies for becoming more responsible and independent.

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